Security Centre

Protecting you against fraud is our priority. We work tirelessly to keep your money and identity safe and to help you spot anything suspicious.

If you suspect fraud or have any concerns, call our Fraud team any time 24 hours a day on 020 7770 0011. You can also speak to your Coutts adviser.

If you receive a fraudulent or suspicious email, please forward it to phishing@coutts.com. If you have responded or clicked any links call us immediately.

If you receive a suspicious text message, please forward it to 88355. Again, if you have responded or clicked any links, call us straight away.

The basics

  • Never disclose your PIN or online security codes to anyone.  We will never,  ever ask you for them by phone,  text or email
  • Be wary of clicking on links or attachments in emails, particularly if you are not expecting to receive it
  • Install anti-virus/firewall software on all of your devices (eg computers, tablets, phones, etc) and update it regularly
  • Remember that caller display cannot always be trusted and callers may not be who they say they are. If in doubt, hang up and call us back on a number you recognise from a different phone
  • Choose strong passwords and do not use the same PIN and password for everything
  • Keep your bank updated with new contact details
  • Check your statements and report anything you do not recognise
  • Securely store financial and other valuable documents, such as your passport 
  • Ensure you dispose of documents diligently (for example, use a cross cut shredder to destroy statements when no longer required)

Protect your payments from scams

Scams can have a devastating impact on victims and it's important you understand the risks of making payments to scammers. 

Please read our advice before proceeding with any payments

I've been asked to transfer money unexpectedly

Who has asked you to transfer money?


Fraudsters may contact you pretending to be from the Bank, the Police or other organisations you trust and ask you to transfer money to another account.


Remember: A bank or genuine organisation will never contact you out of the blue asking you to move your money to keep it safe.

I'm making an investment

Before you make the payment, consider whether this opportunity is genuine.


Scammers will do their homework and make it their business to know as much about you as possible, this doesn't mean the offer is genuine.

I'm paying for a service or making a purchase

Always double check the bank details of the person you’re paying by contacting them on a number you can trust.


Fraudsters can intercept emails and invoices and change payment details. If you send money to a different account than the one you intended it can be very difficult for us to recover it and you may lose your money.

I'm sending money to someone I've never met

Always ask yourself how well you truly know the person and how reliable they are.


Are you amending payment details?

Fraudsters may contact you and ask you to change details of a saved payee.


Further information and support

Never be pressured into transferring money. If you're unsure, we suggest you take a day or two to think about what's being asked and talk it through with someone you can really trust.


Staying safe online

Online fraud is becoming increasingly sophisticated, with malware and phishing allowing cyber criminals to access computers, account numbers and other personal information. Antivirus software is vital for your security, but criminals are constantly seeking new and smarter ways to steal your identity and take money from your bank account.

  • Installing Antivirus – helps to stop threats by scanning your device and looking for suspicious files. Install anti-virus software on all of your devices (eg computers, tablets and phones) and update it regularly
  • Installing a Firewall – hides your computer from attackers and helps stop criminals getting data in and out of your computer

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