Coutts foundation

The mission of the Coutts Foundation is to support sustainable approaches to tackle the causes and consequences of poverty, in the communities where Coutts has a presence. Building on the legacy of Thomas Coutts and Angela Burdett-Coutts, the grand-daughter of Thomas Coutts, who was a progressive 19th-century philanthropist - The Foundation currently focuses on work that supports vulnerable women and girls and work that empowers young people through the performing arts. The Coutts Foundation is an independent corporate foundation, supported by Coutts.


The Coutts Foundation makes significant commitments to a small number of organisations that reflect its mission.

Organisations SUPPoRTING

  • Anawim is a Women's Centre based in Birmingham. It supports women and their children, especially those vulnerable to exploitation, to make positive choices, helping them achieve their goals and reach their full potential. Support services address issues such as rehabilitation and alternatives to custody to prevent reoffending, mental health, women working on the streets, domestic violence and money advice.

    A grant of £90,000 over three years (£30k per annum) was approved in 2015.

    A further grant of £90,000 over three years (£30k per annum) was approved in 2019 and a year's grant of £30,000 was agreed in 2021.

    Visit Anawim

  • The Angelou Centre is a black-led women's centre offering a range of holistic services for Black and minoritised women across the North East. The Centre offers training and employment support, social and creative activities, and support for survivors of violence and abuse. It also works at strategic and national levels to ensure the voices of black and minority women are represented and heard.

    A grant of £90,000 over three years (£30k per annum) was approved in 2018.

    A further grant of £120,000 over three years (£40k per annum) was approved in 2020.

    Visit The Angelou Centre

  • Bawso supports Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women who are affected by or at risk of domestic or sexual violence, female genital mutilation (FGM), forced marriage, so-called honour-based violence, trafficking or modern slavery. Bawso also offers advice and information for BME men experiencing domestic abuse from partners and family members. The charity's services are provided across Wales, with over 5,000 people benefiting every year.

    A grant of £90,000 over three years (£30k per annum) was approved in 2017.

    An additional grant of £15,600 was provided in 2020 and a further grant of £150,000 over 3 years (£50k per annum) was approved in 2020.

    Visit Bawso

  • End Violence Against Women is a coalition of specialist women's support services, researchers, activists, survivors and non-governmental organisations working to end violence against women in all its forms. It campaigns for every level of government to adopt better, more joined up approaches to ending and preventing violence against women and girls. It also challenges wider cultural attitudes that tolerate and condone this abuse.

    A grant of £75,000 over three years (£25k per annum) was approved in 2015.

    A further commitment of £135,000 was made for the period 2019-2021.

    An additional year's grant of £40,000 was agreed in 2021.

    Visit the End Violence Against Women Coalition

  • The Nelson Trust's Women's Centres are a valuable resource for both Gloucestershire and Wiltshire – a safe, women-only space where a wide range of problems related to offending, substance misuse, safety and well-being can be addressed in a warm and supportive environment.

    A grant of £75,000 over three years (£25k per annum) was approved in 2015.

    A further commitment of £135,000 was made for the period 2019-2021.

    An additional grant of £10,000 was provided in 2020 and a further year's grant of £50,000 was agreed in 2021.

    Visit the Nelson trust

  • Southall Black Sisters (SBS) helps black and minority ethnic women overcome poverty, distress and hardships, and campaigns on issues that affect them. SBS challenges all forms of gender related violence against women, empowering them to gain more control over their lives, live without fear of violence, and assert their human rights to justice, equality and freedom. It offers specialist advice, information, casework, advocacy, counselling and self-help support services in several community languages. Although based in West London, SBS has a national and international reach, supporting over 3,500 women every year.

    A grant of £120,000 over three years (£40k per annum) was approved in 2015.

    A further grant of £40,000 was made for 2019.

    A grant of £80,000 over two years (£40k per annum) was agreed in 2020.

    An additional grant of £15,000 was provided in 2020 and a further year's grant of £40,000 was agreed in 2021.

    Visit Southall Black Sisters

  • Stockport Women's Centre provides 'one stop shop' services for women facing complex issues including: mental ill-health, the effects of domestic and/or sexual abuse, involvement with the criminal justice system, poverty, isolation and unemployment. It is also one of the founder members for the Greater Manchester Women Support Alliance, which has been recognised for its integrated approach to supporting women offenders and those at risk of offending.

    A grant of £90,000 over three years (£40k per annum) was approved in 2019

    A further grant of £120,000 (£40k per annum) was approved in 2019

    Additional grants of £10,960 and £5,761 were provided in 2020.

    Visit Stockport Women's Centre

  • Tender is an arts charity working with young people to help to prevent domestic abuse and sexual violence.  It supports young women to identify and avoid abuse and empowers all young people to form healthy relationships based on equality and respect. Ultimately, Tender's work aims to prevent young people from becoming involved in abusive relationships throughout their lives, and avoid the traumatic consequences, social disadvantage and poverty that arise from abuse.

    A grant of £90,000 over three years (£30k per annum) was approved in 2019.

    A further unrestricted grant of 120,000 over three years (£40k per annum) was approved in 2022. 


  • Based in Norwich, The Magdalene Group offers advice, services and emotional support to women and young people, including victims of sexual exploitation, trafficking and young people who have been affected by, or are at risk of, child sexual exploitation. It also runs education programmes in schools, youth groups and care homes to ensure young people understand how to stay safe.

    A grant of £90,000 over three years (£30k per annum) was approved in 2017.

    An additional grant of £8,217 was provided in 2020 and a further grant of £120,000 over 3 years (£40k per annum) was approved in 2020.

    Visit The Magdalene Group

  • Winner, the Preston Road Women's Centre, provides information, support and advice to women in Hull, supporting them to have the best possible quality of life and life chances. It works intensively with 800 women a year, and a further 5,000 women and children benefit from services including domestic violence and abuse support, nursery childcare provision, young women's confidence and engagement, volunteering and training opportunities.

    A grant of £150,000 over three years (£50k per annum) was approved in 2019.

    A further unrestricted grant of £150,000 over three years (£50k per annum) was approved in 2022.


  • WomenCentre provides holistic, one-stop services at centres in Huddersfield, Dewsbury, Halifax and in the community. Its wide-ranging services include emotional and practical support on issues such as debt, benefits, mental or physical health, domestic violence, counselling, training and development and much more. Its work improves women's health and wellbeing, increases employment opportunities, enhances self confidence, and improves the safety and wellbeing of children.

    A grant of £30,000 was approved in 2015.

    A further grant of £60,000 over two years (£30k per annum) was approved in 2016.

    A further commitment of £150,000 was made for the period 2019-2021.

    An additional grant of £10,000 was provided in 2020 and a further year's funding of £50,000 was approved in 2021.

    Visit WomenCentre


  • 20 Stories High aims to create bold, contemporary and imaginative theatre with and for young people in Liverpool, particularly those from diverse and socially excluded communities. It brings new audiences into theatre venues and takes theatre out into communities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

    A grant of £105,000 over three years (£35k per annum) was approved in 2021.



  • Contact uses creativity to empower young people, with a focus on reaching disadvantaged, under-served and excluded young people. At Contact, young people aged 13-30 genuinely lead, working alongside staff to provide a diverse and accessible artistic programme for everyone. Contact offers an open access weekly youth theatre programme and progression routes to develop performance to a professional-standard and provide leadership training and entrepreneurial skills. Contact aims to enable young people to change their lives through the arts.


    A grant of £150,000 over three years (£50k per annum) was approved in 2021.


  • Immediate Theatre provides participatory theatre programmes aimed at helping disadvantaged young people aged 5-25, living in Hackney, to reach their potential. Estate-based Youth Theatre in community venues is the cornerstone of the work. Its objectives are: to provide inspiring participatory theatre programmes enabling people to reach their potential and prevent exclusion and social isolation; to create performances which explore social issues, engage people in the process of change and influence decision making; to improve health and wellbeing and increase life skills and employability through engagement in the arts.


    A grant of £105,000 over three years (£35k per annum) was approved in 2021.

    visit Immediate Theatre

  • Travelling Light creates award-winning theatre for and with young people that inspires their thinking, engages their emotions, and fires their imaginations.

    The company offers a participation programme which includes youth theatre, creative learning, community engagement and employability projects and creates high quality professional shows for young audiences which tour nationally and internationally.

    A grant of £105,000 over three years (£35k per annum) was approved in 2021.

    visit Travelling Light Theatre Company

  • Based in a listed Georgian church, Trinity Community Arts is the arts hub for East Bristol. Trinity believes that art improves individual well-being, empowers communities and enhances society. Its vision is for everyone to have the opportunity to access and shape arts and culture. Towards this aim it offers a diverse programme of arts, heritage, and cultural projects, activities and events reaching over 60,000 people each year. A key element of Trinity's programme focuses specifically on disadvantaged young people.

    A grant of £105,000 over three years (£50k per annum) was approved in 2021.

    visit Trinity Community Arts Trinity Community Arts 


  • The Connection at St Martin’s is London’s busiest homelessness charity supporting people away from the streets through specialist services including street outreach, a day and emergency night centre, help finding relevant training, volunteering or employment, and specialist mental health and addiction support.

    An unrestricted grant of £180,000 over three years (£60K per annum) was approved in 2017. A further grant of £180,000 over three years (£60k per annum) was approved in 2019.

    A further grant of £242,000 over three years was awarded in 2019 to support the Street Engagement Team -  a new day-time outreach service to support the wider street population in Westminster. This grant was extended for a further 6 months in 2022 (£41,840).

    Visit The Connection at St. Martin's

Who we are

The Board and Staff of the Coutts Foundation bring a wealth of experience and expertise. All are committed to the mission to support sustainable approaches to tackle the causes and consequences of poverty.

The Board of the Coutts Foundation includes members who are appointed by Coutts and Trustees who are independent of Coutts. The Foundation is run by the Director and is fortunate to be supported by volunteers and staff of Coutts who offer their expertise pro-bono.

Find out more about our trustees, staff and advisers

Information for Grant-seekers

The Coutts Foundation adopts a proactive approach to its philanthropy and in its identification of organisations to support. The Foundation's focus is supporting UK organisations or programmes that support women and girls and organisations that empower young people through the performing arts, with a particular focus on addressing the causes and consequences of poverty. It is especially interested in organisations that are developing innovative solutions and/or those whose successful work has the potential to be scaled up. The Foundation applies clear criteria in its selection of funding recipients.

The Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals for funding. However, if you wish to bring information about your organisation or programmes that fit with our funding priorities to our attention, please complete the information submission form and either email it to us or post it.

Coutts Foundation,
440 Strand,
London WC2R 0QS

The Coutts Foundation will be in touch if we would like to learn more about your organisation. The Coutts Foundation is a Living Wage FunderThank you for your interest in the Coutts Foundation.

Coutts Foundation Privacy Statement

The Coutts Foundation is an independent charity registered in England and Wales. Registered charity number: 1150784 and a company limited by guarantee (number: 8395296).

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